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Feature: Conversions

Describes the Conversions feature and how to configure it

João Romão avatar
Written by João Romão
Updated over 5 years ago

With the Conversions feature, you can attribute goals to user actions and understand what referral originated a certain action — what was shared, how, when and by whom.

When reporting that a Conversion happened, we will unroll the chain of past referrals within the time window that you set. If you have our influencers feature enabled, the original user identity is also associated with the goal.

Here's how you can set it up.

1. Access the Conversions Feature

2. Create a new goal

Name it according to the conversion that you wish to track and click 'Create Goal'.

3. Check the Conversion goal code 

Once you create a new channel, check the conversion goal code by clicking the </> button. 

In the screenshot above, you can see an example for a Paid Subscription conversion, where the goal's ID is 614d21 and the value of this conversion is $199.5

This code may have more action values, depending on your conversion type. For example, if you wanted to attribute a user name to the conversion, it would look more like this: 

gsconv('goal_code', { user: 'john80', value: 59.97 });

Note that if you also have our Influencers feature enabled, we will automatically associate the user with their conversions.

4. Add the code to the page where your goal is happening (e.g. 'Thank You' page)

Using the piece of code we just explained above, you should wrap it in a script tag, which will look like this:

var f = function() {
    gsconv('b344bc', { total: 'USD 199.50', otherData: ['example'] });

// Ensure our lib has loaded:
if (window.gsconv) {
} else {
    document.addEventListener('gs:processed', f);

Add it to the page where your goal happens. 

And that's it!

Still need help? Feel free to contact us.

If you want to read more about the use cases of this feature, please read our article on Conversions Use Cases.

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