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Feature: Influencers

Describes the Influencers feature and how to configure it

João Romão avatar
Written by João Romão
Updated over a week ago

You've probably heard of the term influencer in social media, but what is it doing in your GetSocial dashboard?

GetSocial Influencers are website users that drive the most traffic to your website; they've made the most visits and shares, and driven the most referrals. They can be very influential people that have only shared an article, but have massive audiences; or they can just be big fans of your page sharing it every day.

In your dashboard you'll see their impact on your traffic in indirect visits, shares and referrals.


But wait a second, users? Since when does GetSocial know about my users?

We don't, which brings us to how you can make use of this feature. 

The only prerequisite is that your website has some form of user accounts.

Talk with us to activate recording anonymous user actions: visits, shares and referrals. We take privacy very seriously and will not record anything without hearing from you.

Once active, when your users are logged in execute the following JavaScript code:

GS.flow.userLogin('some user ID that makes sense to you');

Do not use personal information as user ID.

When logged out, execute:


These of course have to be ran after our library has loaded. These functions will allow us to match anonymous user activity with your user IDs once they are logged in or registered.

A full example that sets the user as logged in when the page is loaded could look like:

var f = function() {
    // Replace myUser with your users logic
    if (myUser != null) {
    } else {

// Ensure our lib has loaded:
if (window.GS && GS.loaded) {
} else {
    document.addEventListener('gs:processed', f);

The information collected on influencers, and their impact, can then be seen both on your GetSocial dashboard and via our API.

If you have any issues setting up don't hesitate to contact us.

You can complement this feature with the reporting of conversions, to associate user actions to your known users.

If you want to read more about the use cases of this feature, please read our article on Influencers Use Cases.

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